Barbara L. (nee Nichols), beloved daughter of the late Arthur and Gail Nichols, loving mother of Connie (Dennis) Piening, Floyd "Bud" (Carol) Morris, Rita (John) Hall, Phillip "Gary" (Peggy) Morris, Rolland "Rocky" (Cindy) Morris and Mark Morris, cherished grandmother of 19 grandchildren and 52 great grandchildren. Wife of the late Terry "Al" and Floyd, dear sister of Mary and the late Arthur, Wendel, Farrell, Dickey, Marge and Mona, also survived many other family members and friends. Saturday, December 29, 2012. Age 83 years. Visitation 12 PM Friday, followed by a 2 PM Funeral Service at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Ave., 45238.