Betty Jane (nee Johnson), beloved wife of the late Jack Bauman, devoted mother of John (Sandra) Bauman and Marsha (Claude) Corbitt, cherished grandmother of Marc and Andrew Bauman, Katherine (Rusty) Hancock, Christian Corbitt and Elizabeth (Matthew) Wilhelm, dear sister of Marcia (Leonard) Lenhart and the late Virginia Zart, also survived by many nieces and nephews Wednesday, April 30, 2008. Age 87 years. Visitation Monday 10 AM until time of funeral service at 11 AM at Westwood First Presbyterian Church, 3011 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, 45211. Memorials may be made to Westwood First Presbyterian Church or Llanfair Community, c/o Life Care Endowment, 1001 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, OH, 43229.