Carolyn, beloved daughter of the late William E. and Meathel B. Mauldin, wife of the late Edward S. Seamon, loving mother of Beverly Nichols, Melody (Randy) Losey and Cynthia Chism, cherished grandmother of eleven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren, dear sister of Anthony Wayne Mauldin and the late Michael Erskin and Phyllis Jean Mauldin, also survived by loving nieces, nephews and friends. Gone to be with the Lord Wednesday, August 11, 2010. Age 74 years. Visitation 10 AM Monday, followed by a 12 Noon Funeral Service at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Ave., 45238. If desired memorials may be made to First Baptist Church of Harrison, In Care of Missions, P.O. Box 201, Harrison, OH 45030.