Clara F. (nee Joseph), beloved wife of the late Griffith Ray and Earl James Neuhaus, loving mother of Joan (Roscoe) Vanover and the late Danny Neuhaus and Cheryl (Jerry) Herron, loving grandmother of Mark (Cheri), Dan (Beth) and Gerry Vanover, Shawn (Elisa) Neuhaus and James Herron, four great-grandchildren and numerous step-grandchildren, dear sister of Charlotte. Thursday, February 11, 2010. Age 85 years. Visitation Tuesday from 1 PM until time of Funeral Service at 1:30 PM at St. James Episcopal Church, 3207 Montana Avenue, 45211. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, SW OH/NKY Chapter, 4460 Lake Forest Drive, Suite 236, Cincinnati, OH, 45242.