Daniel R. Tucker was beloved husband of Rita "Race" Tucker (nee Nienaber) and devoted father of Amy Tucker, Dana Robin Montgomery, Angela Spencer, Melitza Clark, Dawn Rackley, Ramona, Rebecca and Tonya Nichols. He was loving grandfather of Corey Morris, Cody Rackley, Brittany, James, Teresa, Hillary, Jordan, Sidney, Megan, Alex, Chloe, Caidin, Elyssa, Cierra and Nicholas. Daniel was dear brother of Pat "Cricket" Westerman and loving son of William and Ella Tucker. Sunday, May 16, 2004. Age 53 years. Funera service Thursday, 11 AM, at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Avenue at Queen City. Visitation Wednesday evening from 6 to 8 PM. Memorials may be made to the American Heart Assn., OH Valley Affiliate, PO Box 182039 Dept. 013, Columbs, OH, 43218-2039.