Donald R. Kemper was beloved husband of the late Lucille Kemper (nee Schafstall), devoted father of Donna L. Lucas and the late Rick L. Kemper, dear brother of Jack Kemper and the late Dick Kemper, uncle of Mary Lee and Jimmy Kemper, grandfather of Chris and Sarah Kemper, great-grandfather of Roman Strecker. Friday, December 10, 2004. Age 88 years. FunEral service Monday evening, 8 PM, at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Avenue at Queen City. Visitation Monday from 6 PM until time of service. Mr. Kemper was founder and owner of Don's Crankshaft Company, an avid hydroplane boat racer, a World War II Veteran and a member of O.V.M.B.R.A.