Dorothy B. (nee Bauer) beloved wife of the late Robert S. Greiser for 65 years and devoted mother of JoAnne (Ronald) Nyhan of Delray Beach, FL and Thomas (Jeanne) Greiser of Alexandria, KY. Cherished grandmother of Christine Chadwell and Katherine McKinzie and 3 great grandsons. Sunday, March 28, 2010 at the age of 93. Dorothy was an active member of Westwood First Presbyterian Church for 65 years where she was ordained an elder and deacon, served on numerous boards, was a long standing member of the Christian Education Committee, Sunday School Superintendent, moderator of Presbyterian Women, and for the past 35 years, organized and supervised church dinners, luncheons and receptions. Friends are invited to attend a visitation Wednesday, March 31 from 5 to 8 PM at the Dalbert, Woodruff and Isenogle Funeral Home 2880 Boudinot Ave at Queen City Ave. The family will also receive friends on Thursday at the Westwood First Presbyterian Church (3011 Harrison Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45211) for Visitation from 9:30 AM until time of Funeral Service at 10:30 AM. Memorials may be made to Westwood First Presbyterian Church in lieu of flowers.