Eleanor (nee Seiler), beloved wife of the late Carl Scheidenberger, loving mother of Ron (Pat), Carl (late Marguerite) and Dian (Dan) Brannon, dear grandmother of Christie (Mike) Lint, Molly (David) Mays, Danny (Natalie) & Jimmy Brannon and Emily & Joseph Scheidenberger and eight precious great grandchildren; Morgan, Brooke, Xander, Lydia, Genevieve, Paige, Violet and Lucas, sister of George (late Ann) and Al (late Edith) Seiler and the late Ed (Ruth) & Robert Seiler. Passed Sunday August 18, 2013. Age 90 years. Friends & family are invited to attend a 10 AM Visitation Thursday, followed by a 11 AM Funeral Service at the Philippus United Church of Christ, 106 W. McMicken Ave., 45202. If desired memorials may be made to the Church. Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home serving the family.