Elise (nee Bryant), beloved wife of the late Robert "Bob" Sears, Sr., loving mother of Bob (Darla) Sears Jr. and Shari (John) Szary, cherished grandmother of Jerred, Mikka, John Jr. "Bubba" and Monni Szary and Andria (Steve) Sullivan and Stacey Black. Great grandmother of MacKenzie, Johnathan, Kinsey, Riley, Claire and Milo. Dear sister of Brenda Merida, sister in law of Barbara Watterson and cousin of Mildred Slone. Thursday, December 10, 2009. Age 75 years. Visitation Monday from 5 to 7 PM and Funeral Service Tuesday 11 AM at the Dalbert, Woodruff and Isenogle Funeral Home 2880 Boudinot Ave. at Queen City Ave. If desired, memorials may be made to Vitas Hospice 11500 Northlake Dr., Suite 400 Cincinnati, OH 45249.