SMITH, Elizabeth "Anne," (nee Bender), beloved wife of Orlo W. Smith, devoted mother of Cheryl (Ray) Wesselman, Ginny (Chuck) Tilbury, Susan (Mark) Eccard, Richard Smith and Bruce (Liz) Smith, loving grandmother of Tricia Wahl, Karen Kirby, David and Kate Wesselman, Justin and Lucy Peter and great-granddaughter Elizabeth Wahl, dear sister of Jean Boyers and Helen Overhuls. Tuesday, May 2, 2006. Age 83 years. Funeral service Saturday, 10:30 AM, at Westwood First Presbyterian Church. Visitation Friday evening from 6 to 8 PM at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Avenue at Queen City. If desired, memorials may be made to Hospice of Cincinnati, PO Box 633597, Cincinnati, OH, 45263-3597, or Westwood First Presbyterian Church, 3011 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, 45211.