Eugene George, beloved husband of 51 years to the late Wilma Schlotthauer (nee Dickenson), dedicated father of daughters Julie (Dick Lillick) Schlotthauer, Jean Schlotthauer, and sons, Jim (Gloria) Schlotthauer and Joe Schlotthauer, longtime friend of Stan Benzinger. Born to eternal life on Wednesday, December 3, 2008. Age 80 years. Gene was a devoted catholic and an educator in the Great Oaks School System. He was a machinist whose passion was not only to instill a career path, but to teach determination, love and kindness. Gene proudly served in the US Army 29th Infantry Regiment during the Korean War. His quick wit and great sense of humor will be greatly missed but never forgotten. Gene was peacefully laid to rest privately at the convenience of the family at St. Mary Cemetery. Memorials may be made in Gene's honor to the American Parkinson's Disease Assn, Tri-State Wellness Chapter, PO Box 15044, Cincinnati, OH, 45215 or the charity. Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home serving the family. Online condolences may sent to