Meyer, Frank lovingly known to his family as "Frankie Pooh", devoted husband of Mary Ann Meyer (nee Stoller) Loving father of Jack (Chris), Stephen (Julie), Patty (Dan), Jeffrey (Karen), Beverly, Barbara, and special friend of Pat, Larry, Tom (Betty), Tim (Holly), Linda (John), Pam (Mike) and the late Allen. Cherished grandfather of 26 grandchildren and several great grandchildren. Dear brother of Marie and Liz. Frank was an avid card player, golfer and cornhole king. Friday, January 12, 2007 age 79 years. Friends are invited to attend a visitation Tuesday From 9 until time of service at 11 AM at the Cheviot United Methodist Church 3820 Westwood Northern Blvd. If desired, memorials may be made to the American Heart Association P.O. Box 634445 Cincinnati, Ohio 45263. Dalbert, Woodruff and Isenogle Funeral Home serving the family.