Glee Elsa, a resident of Green Twp., dear daughter of the late Michael and Norma Hafner Kenny, lifelong friend of the late Betty S. Robinson, beloved cousin of Norman (Myretta) and Lisa Egner and Pat Parker, dearest friend of Everett (Cathy) and Brandon Cofer, also survived by many loving friends and neighbors. Glee was a former Cincinnati Public School Teacher and former Principal of the Heberle School. Wednesday, August 27, 2008, at Mercy Hospital, WHC. In leiu of a funeral service, a celebration of Glee's Life will be held Monday(9-8-08) from 6 to 9 PM at O'Charley's Restaurant, 5075 Crookshank Road, Cincinnati, OH, 45238. If desired, memorials may be made
to the Dominican Sisters of Hope, Inc, 916 York St, Cincinnati, OH, 45214. Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home serving the family.