Janine (nee Merinda), loving daughter of Bob and Geraldine Merida, beloved mother of Michael, Greg, Sarah, Mindy, Matthew and Samantha, cherished grandmother of Brandon, Kara, Travis, Kyle, Cameron, Ka'Mareon and Madelin, dear sister of Toby, Debbie, James, Glenda, David, Bobbie and Veronica. Saturday, February 16, 2013. Age 48 years. Friends and Family are invited to attend a 10 AM Visitation Friday, followed by a 12 Noon Funeral Service at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Ave. at Queen City Ave. If desired memorial contributions may be made in Memory of Janine Edison at any local Fifth Third Bank. www.dwifuneralhome.com