Jennie Alvina (nee Steinborn), beloved wife of the late Clifford G. Baker, loving mother of Debbie (Wayne) Dudley and Karen Wiegele, dear sister of Eileen Annest, cherished grandmother of Ben Dudley, Lisa (David) VanTyle, Brad (Mary) Wiegele and Veronica (Michael) Smallwood, great-grandmother of Rachel and Alexis VanTyle, Aidan, Clayton and Coraline Wiegele, loving aunt of Beverly, Elizabeth (Frank) and Jean-Paul Peyron, Kevin (Cindy) Annest and Mia Peyron-Izzo, dear friend of Mildred Doerman. Monday, September 20, 2010. Age 84 years. Friends are invited to attend a Memorial Service Saturday at 3 PM at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Avenue, 45238.