Stevens, Lena "Lynn" (nee Drew) beloved wife of the late Dan Stevens Jr. who passed away in 1998, daughter of the late Grover and Beatrice Drew, loving mother of Patricia (John) Lucas of Dayton, OH and step daughter of Donna Johnston, Dear grandmother of Sherri, Terri, Danny Davey and Debbie and great-grandmother of Tamara, Danny, Andrew, Kenny, Kelsi and Kevin, Sister of Ruth Cutter, Ted, Paul, June and Jay Drew and the late Olie, Ray and Jack Drew and the late Fan, Dorthy, Loraine and Blanch. Mrs. Stevend passed away Tuesdat December 23,at age 77 at Christ Hospital after a brief illness. She retired from the Shillotos Co. after 31 years of service. Funeral Service Saturday 11 AM at the Funeral Home. Visitation Sat. from 9 AM until the time of service.