Mary Margaret (nee Stringer), beloved wife of the late Louis R. Oliverio, loving mother of Patrick (Carol), Timothy (Ellen), Robert (Karen) and the late John "Jack" (Mary) Oliverio, cherished grandmother of thirteen grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and one late granddaughter, dear sister of Gene (Dori) Stringer and the late Marty (Mary Ellen) and Roger Stringer, also survived by loving nieces, nephews and friends. Monday, November 23, 2009. Age 82 years. Visitation Monday from 9 AM until time of Mass of Christian Burial at 11 AM at Our Lady of Visitation Church, 3180 South Road. If desired, memorials may be made to the Jack & Louis Oliverio Scholarship Fund, LaSalle High School, 3091 North Bend Road, Cincinnati, OH, 45239, or the Sisters of Charity Retirement Fund, Finance Office, 5900 Delhi Road, Mt. St. Joseph, OH, 45051.