Michelle Suzette "Shelly", devoted mother of Jeff Joseph, beloved daughter of Rosalie Ryan and the late Roscoe Joseph and the late stepfather John Ryan, dear sister of Rick (Wendy) Joseph, loving aunt of Rocky Joseph and Rosie (Tim) Scott, sweet stepsister of Kelley Ryan, also survived by aunt Patty Meisberger, cousins Debbie and Monty Applegate, Melissa Bill, Joe (Nettie), Joey and Anthony Meisberger and dear baby Adrien. Shelly will be missed by numerous A.A. friends. Passed Monday, August 2, 2010. Age 52 years, after a long battle with cancer. Visitation 5 to 8 PM Thursday at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Ave., 45238. Mass of Christian Burial 10 AM Friday at St. Lawrence Church, Warsaw Ave. / Price Hill.