Richard A"Dick,A" beloved husband of Janet Hauck (nee Oberlander), loving father of Deborah (Gerri) Greenham and Mark (Heather) Hauck, cherished grandfather of Kathleen and Trevor Greenham and Amanda & Lauren Hauck, dear bother of Helen Hauck, Elsie Muller and Pearl Harkter. Sunday March 2, 2008. Age 79 years. A memorial service will be held Saturday 1 PM at the Westwood United Methodist Church, 3460 Epworth Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45211. If desired, memorials may be made to Dick Hauck Memorial Scholarship, C/O Oak Hills High School Booster Club, 3200 Ebenezer Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45248. Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home serving the family.