Rita Mae (nee Riestenberg), loving wife of the late Harvey E. Graham, beloved mother of Michael (Susan) Graham and Kathy Graham Walpole, adoring grandmother of Michael (Jennifer) and Andrew (Kindra) Walpole, cherished great-grandmother of Logan, Rohan and Eli Walpole, dear sister of Florence (the late Albert) Heilmann, aunt of Carol (Robert) and Robert (Tracey) Heuerman and the late Dale Heilmann, loving cousin of Jean Rutledge and the late Betty Kohlbrand and Kenneth Hacker, also survived by many friends. Wednesday, November 18, 2009. Age 77 years. Visitation Monday from 10 AM until time of funeral service at 11 AM, at St. Peter & St. Paul United Church of Christ, 3001 Queen City Avenue, 45238. Memorials may be made in memory of Harvey and Rita Graham to the Boone Co. 4 H & Utopia Fair, PO Box 703, Burlington, KY, 41005.