Robert H. "Bob" Sears, Sr., was beloved husband of Elise Sears (nee Bryant), loving father of Robert Sears, Jr., and Shari (John) Szary, special grandfather of Jerred, Mikka, John Jr. "Bubba" and Monni Szary, dear brother of Barbara "Babe" (The late John) Watterson and the late Hugh Sears and Elizabeth Teal,and also survived by sister-in-law Brenda Merida, cousin Mildred Slone and several loving nieces and nephews. Saturday, February 12, 2005. Age 69 years. Funeral Service Wednesday, 11 AM, at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Avenue at Queen City. Visitation Tuesday from 5 to 8 PM. Memorials may be made to the Oak Hills High School Athletic Boosters Program, 3200 Ebenezer Rd., Cincinnati, OH, 45248.