STEVENS, Bob W. beloved husband of Judy Schneider, father of Brenda (Don) Loschiavo, Tom (Debbie) Stevens and Robin (Charles) Loper, grandfather of seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, brother of Wanda Larkin, Billie June Catron, Behula Helton and the late Wassie Williams, also survived by many nieces, nephews and friends. Saturday June 11, 2005. Age 72 years. Funeral service 11 AM Tuesday at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Ave. & Queen City Ave. Visitation Tuesday 10 AM until service time. If Desired memorials may be made to the American Heart Association, PO BOX 634445 Cincinnati OH 45263-4445.