Rose Stellatano (nee Dettone) was beloved wife of the late Rocco D. Stellatano, Sr., devoted mother of Theresa L. (Bill) Betts, Michael (Judy) Flynn, Roccina S. (Tom) Niehaus and Rocco D. Stellatano, Jr., grandmother of Brian, Sheryl, Michelle, Tom, Karen, Jill, Kevin, Jonathan, Cathryn and Gina, dear sister of Ceil Smith, Joseph and Ralph Dettone. Monday, October 27, 2003. Age 81 years. Mass of Christian Burial Friday, 10:30 AM, at St. Ignatius of Loyola Church, 5222 North Bend Road. Visitation Thursday evening from 5 to 8 PM at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Avenue at Queen City. The family requests that memorial contributions be made to Hospice of Cincinnati, PO Box 710784, Cincinnati, OH, 45271-0784.