Rose A. (nee Galarde), beloved wife of the late Earl Woster, loving step-mother of Pamela Bonomini and Laura Lach, dear step-grandmother of Lauren, Nicole (Neil), Heather and Andrea and great-grandmother of Brianna and Luke, cherished sister of Michael (Debbie) Galarde, Janet (Jim) Edwards and the late Thomas Galarde, dear aunt of Michael (Katie) Galarde Jr. and William (Amy) Galarde and numerous great nieces and nephews. Friday, February 22, 2013. Age 77 years. Part time resident of Inverness, Florida since 1987 and Cincinnati's West Side. Visitation 9:30 AM Thursday, followed by a 10:30 AM Mass of Christian Burial at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 2832 Rosebud Dr., 45238. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the national Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, Our Lady of Lourdes Tuition Fund or Hospice of Cincinnati. Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home serving the family. www.dwifuneralhome.com