Sarah (nee Walton), beloved wife of the late H. Kenneth Flint and the late Guy M. Van Epps, loving mother of Willard (the late Joyce) Van Epps, Nancy (William) Derringer, Carolyn (John) Brookmeyer, Cathie (Larry) DeFazio, Ken (Pollie) Flint, the late Robert Ward Van Epps, devoted mother-in-law of Alice (Dave) Garbrick, cherished grandmother of thirteen grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren. Saturday, January 15, 2011. Age 100 years. Memorial Service Saturday
10:30 AM at Twin Towers Chapel, 5343 Hamilton Avenue, 45224. Memorials may be made to Twin Towers Benevolent Fund, Hospice of Cincinnati, 4310 Cooper Road, 45242, or Westwood First Presbyterian Church Celebration Fund, 3011 Harrison Avenue, 45211. Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home serving the family. www.dwifuneralhome.com