Terry Lynn, beloved husband of Sue Ann Yeary (nee Meyer), loving father of Adam Nicholas Yeary and Jill Meyer, cherished grandfather of Riley K. Meyer, devoted son of Earnie A. and Jewel Yeary (nee Elliott), dear brother of Troy A. (Toni Ann) and Jason E. (Sarah C.) Yeary, adoring uncle of Katherine, Megan, Kyle, Christopher and Clay Yeary, preceeded in death by late granparents Cammie O. & Weltha Elliott (nee Robinson) and Willis & Fannie Yeary (nee Disney) and late great grandmother Eller Disney (nee Sams). Dear nephew of Beulah Wegman (nee Yeary), Nancy (Rodney) Valvano (nee Yeary), Patricia (the late David) Coyne and the late Frank Boggio (nee Yeary), Dolores (the late Dale) Hash (nee Yeary), Norma (Earl) Angel (nee Yeary), Christine (Steve) Liggett (nee Elliott), Anna (the late Luther) Douglas & the late Ralph Radcliff (nee Elliott), Richard Yeary Phillip(Peggy) Yeary, George Elliott and Danny Elliott. The late Marie & George Moody (nee Elliott), Thelma & Henry Coday (nee Elliott), Mildred & Eugene Stoutenberg (nee Elliott), Dorthy & Jerome Topicz (nee Elliott), Elmer & Pauline Elliott (nee Mullins) and Curtis Elliott, and numerous cousins. Suddenly, Saturday January 23, 2010. Age 46 years. Visitation Friday from 5 to 8 PM followed by funeral services Saturday 10 AM at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Avenue, 45238. Interment at Crown Hill Memorial Park.