Theodora "Dorothy" Mintsoulis (nee Vidas), beloved wife of the late Stavros Mintsoulis, devoted mother of Demetrios (Theresa) and Maria Mintsoulis, loving yia-yia of grandchildren: Sherilyn (Mike) Elam and Melissa Mintsoulis, great-yia-yia of Christopher, Zachary and Julianna Elam, sister of Katherine Papthanas, Lenna Gertses, Argiris Vida and the late Anastasios Vidas. Thursday, April 22, 2004. Age 80 years. Friends may call Sunday from 5 to 8 PM at the Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Avenue at Queen City. Funeral service Monday, 11 AM, at Holy Trinity St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the church at 7000 Winton Rd., Cincinnati, OH, 45224, or Hospice of Cincinnati, PO Box 710784, Cincinnati, OH, 45271-0784.