Vera, beloved wife of the late Thomas Feldman and the late Ray Paseley, loving mother of the late Kenneth Paseley, loving sister of Ruth (Elmer) Tentler and the late Joyce (John) Paseley, dear aunt of Bill and Sandy Hostler and family and many nieces and nephews, also survived by in-laws Rich Feldman, Marjorie and Bill Price and their families, with respect she will be missed by the Parlow and O'Donnell Families. Died peacefully on March 29, 2010. Memorial service Friday, 1 PM, at the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, 4831 Pleasant Avenue, Fairfield, OH, 45014. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Cincinnati, PO Box 633597, Cincinnati, OH, 45263-3597. Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home serving the family.