KONERMAN, Walter A., beloved son of Dolores and the late Walter E. Konermann, loving brother of Carol (Bob) Vogeler, beloved uncle of Deb (Don) Brelitch, Kim and Jen Vogeler, Rob (Maria) Vogeler and Matt (Michelle) Vogeler, great-uncle of Michelle, Brandon and Zachary. Monday, October 7, 2002. Age 67 years. Mass of Christian Burial Friday, 10:30 AM, at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 2832 Rosebud Dr. Visitation at the church Friday from 9:30 AM until time of Mass. If desired, memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Assn, 644 Linn St., Suite #1026, 45203, or Hospice of Cincinnati, c/o the Bethesda Foundation, PO Box 710784, 45271-0784. Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Funeral Home serving the family.